Thursday, October 4, 2007

Clarence Thomas v. Bill Clinton

Because of the attention Clarence Thomas' book has been getting recently, and the resulting rehash of the Anita Hill allegations, I became curious about what exactly Anita Hill alleged that Justice Thomas did to her. A quick search found this: . (A copy of Ms. Hill's testimony before Justice Thomas' Senate confirmation committee.) In her testimony Ms. Hill alleges that Thomas repeatedly asked her out and discussed inappropriate sexual matters with her (porn, his sexual prowess etc.).

While reading Hill's testimony it occurred to me that the relationship between Thomas and Hill was not that different from Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky's relationship. Granted Clinton actually has sex with Lewinsky, but the similarities are there. Both men engaged in inappropriate behavior with a subordinate and neither woman clearly told them to stop.

But what is different about the two situations is the reactions of Democrats and Republicans. If a Republican is caught with his hand in the cookie jar he is unfit to serve but if it is a Democrat the same behavior is a private matter. I am not bashing Democrats here, this double standard goes both ways. The same people who wanted to lynch Clinton will defend Thomas to the death.

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